Behind the Scenes - Meet Aura Parker

The SCBWI Sydney Conference 2016 aims to enrich and unite creators and industry professionals in meaningful and productive ways. One such vehicle for eliciting exciting opportunities is the ever-popular Illustrator Showcase. This event aims to display the talent of SCBWI illustrators in situ so that a veritable army of publishers, designers, and editors are exposed to it often resulting in contracts for work.

This year, one of our own SCBWI success stories, Aura Parker was solicited to provide the 2016 Conference Showcase logo banner. Here is her delectable design.

If you are attending the Conference this year, keep a look out for her. If not, why not brew a cup of tea and get to know her better, now.

Aura Parker is a Sydney based author, illustrator and designer who makes prints, textiles and children’s picture books. Her work is joyful, imaginative, and brimming with details to explore. Aura also designs and exhibits screen prints and handcrafted textiles at Studio Bonnie. She has a background in graphic design and a passion for children's literature. Aura’s books Twig and My Magnificent Jelly Bean Tree will be out in 2016.

Are you attending the Sydney Conference in September? Is this your first SCWBI Conference? If not how many have you attended, where? 

Yes, this will be my second Sydney SCBWI conference.  

What is the most memorable conference experience you’ve had to date, or hope to have?

 At a SCBWI Conference, you'll find all the book nerds who never grew up hanging out together in one place - and what a lovely bunch they are! The thing I enjoyed most was the conversations. I met writers and illustrators who have since become friends, which is great because most of my work is solitary and it's inspiring to be connected to other creative people and hear what they are up to. 

You were chosen as the illustrator for this year’s Illustrators’ Showcase. Please describe the theme. What are you hoping to convey? 

The theme is 'tea and talent’. I was trying to portray a sense of fun at an under-the-sea tea party. I imagined these little characters as children being playful and creative.

Why do you think it’s important to include Portfolio Showcases in Conferences like this one? 

The Showcase is an excellent way to have your work seen by publishers and art directors and especially useful for new people trying to break into the industry.

As a creator in the Kids Literary Industry, what do you want to be best known for? 

As an author/illustrator of picture books that kids will come back to, spend time with and pore over the details.

Name one thing you cannot live without.


Aura, from one book nerd who is still struggling to grow up to another, I couldn’t have written it better! Thank you. View Aura’s beautiful tea and talent inspired illustrations, here.

Don’t forget to visit again as we introduce you to even more of our terrific Roving Reporters team.

Till then, Rove ya later!






Don't Miss the Boat!

In less time than you can holler, hoist the main sail, bookings for the SCBWI Sydney 2016 Conference will open. Yes, jump on board and secure your tickets NOW!

The Sydney 2016 Conference is shaping up to be a premier event packed with incentives, workshops, awards, and opportunities to fulfill all of your illustrating and writing aspirations. The Conference Program is now set with some sensational sessions and master-classes lined up, all guaranteed to strengthen your insight into the world of creating children’s books.

Along with a dazzling array of industry professionals from Australia and the US ready to 'gently comment' on your work, this promises to be an exceptional literary conference and networking experience, not to be missed. Spaces are limited so it’s a case of first in best dressed.

Best to get a wriggle on. You don’t want to miss your boat and be stuck waiting on the dock.

Browse the links below for detailed information, date deadlines, rates and how to book.

Now that you are ready to set sail, sit back and stay tuned. In the coming months, you’ll get to know some of the faces behind the scenes, meet our Roving Reporter Team and much more.

Rove ya’ later!   Dimity