Roving Reporter: Dimity Powell


 There are numerous organisations available to the unpublished and published author and illustrator to further their careers and / or develop their projects within Australia and NZ.

 ZOE RODRIGUEZ: CAL Payout approx. $120 million per year for members.

Funds fall under the Cultural Fund which was established as a mutual pot of funds to distribute.

 Given out 4 x a year via sub funds like the Creative Careers fund for individual.

They aim to fund things that other people / organisations don’t fund.

 How does this happen?

Via application. They invite you to email or call or follow the formal online application process.

 If you say that you have gained a fund from the Australian Council, don’t expect them to fund you again for the same thing.

 Applications are assessed by your peers – a body of publishers, visual artists and authors.

 EMMA HEYDE: The School is approaching their centennial birthday in 2016. They publish four aged-targeted editions: Countdown, Blast Off, Orbit and Touchdown.

 They take and pay for most styles of writing and illustrations with most short fiction with a WC of 200 to 8-900 Words. Always looking for fresh new voices and play scripts too. Detailed submission guidelines are found onsite.

 JILL EDDINTON: Australia Council have been around 40 odd years. They chief objective is to disperse funds across a number of projects presented to them.

 Changes due to take place Aug / Sept 2014 regarding the New Grants Fund (for writers which used to fall under the Literature Section)

 Now it will still involve a Peer Process Application set up but now applicants have to tell us exactly what you want. No longer a set board of assessing people. Rather based according to the type of project being presented. Projects are assessed by drawing on a pool of talent who judges it.

 Larger organisations other than individuals are also funded e.g. Organisations that support the Literary Industry such as SCBWI and ASA.

 LIBBY GLEESON: Director of the Australian Society of Authors. Urges that no one is standing alone and that everyone should be a member because:

It’s the only organisation that advocates creative writers/illustrators.

Without them there would be no CAL

They offer professional development at all levels.

They look after the business of being a writer

They are national

They offer writing development through manuscripts etc.

They set up awards

They give professional consultation

They are involved with set ups like Authors Unlimited = branding, online presence, E Books and marketing etc.

They give Contract Assessments

They will service our work whether it is to assist you with getting a Literary Agent or if you are ghost writing

Members bet newsletters, magazines, and info on line, discounts and events.

Libby stressed that this organisations protects what you’ve already established; whether you have already published and think you won’t again – you are still protected and assisted.

Unpublished authors may become associate members.

CHRISTOPHER CHENG: SCBWI International Liaison Officer.

Directed us to the main SCBWI site and to scour the Grants page which lists in detail grants and opportunities for published and unpublished authors alike. For example the WIP Grant. Illustrated are considered as well e.g.; Art Pot for submitting artwork for the SCBWI bulletin. Others include Book Launch Awards, Krystal Kite Award etc. PAL members (= published authors) if you are published in the NSW School Magazine, you may apply for PAL membership via SCBWI.

As members, when you are published put you book on the onsite Book Shop – use it! Bologna Book Fair = Biannual Asian Festival of Children's Content.

Conclusion regarding Funding and Grant expectations:

Look at what you want but don’t be unrealistic. Study which fund, grant, award or fellowship will suit you, your needs and your project best and stick to the application guidelines.
