The Happy Book Podcast


The Happy Book Children’s Book Podcast had been on my mind for years upon years, and—as is the way with so many creators—one day I jumped out of bed, frothed up a divinely aromatic flat white, and recorded the first chapter.

Suddenly, the podcast is eight bottles of chamagne/two series/twenty chapters in, and I’ve been stunned at the positive reaction. Maybe podcasts are a ‘thing’ right now? There’s so many brilliant ear-tinglers out there at the mo, and it’s been huge fun adding to the ‘oh cool, I can paint/drive/walk/clean(God forbid)/sip rosé while I listen’ bandwagon.

The Happy Book is for book lovers, yes, but it’s mostly for creators—both writers and illustrators. It covers process in a big way, and every second chapter features a guest who shares their creative spoils. The podcast is grounded in inspiration. In reality checks and honesty. In encouragement. And coffee, tea and Prosecco. I find emerging creators listen the most because there’s stacks of juicy secrets and tips and inspiration, but there’s plenty of reminders and head-nods for experienced creators, too.

This industry is all about sharing and supporting each other. If The Happy Book in any way does this, my job is done. You can find info and links to Series One and Two right here And I hope to record Series three for 2020 (with a glass of champagne, of course). Till then, I so look forward to welcoming you to this happy place, The Happy Book.

Tania McCartney

Author Illustrator Editor Ambassador, Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge      

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