SCWBI Success Story – Kristin Darell

September 2022 is a month I will remember for the rest of my life. It is the month I release my debut junior fiction book Football Fever: The Kick-Off, published by Puffin, an imprint of Penguin Random House.

This four-book series is the culmination of a journey that started in October 2017 at the Narrate Illustrate Meditate SCWBI Author and Illustrator Retreat in Wilton, NSW. Although at the time, I had no idea of how significant that weekend away would be.

So, what happened? Since 2012, I had been slowly shifting gears from a career as a broadcast journalist to immersing myself in the world of children’s literature. I had taken on the job of editing Women’s Ink! the magazine for the Society of Women Writers NSW, a role in which I worked alongside the incredible Susanne Gervay. As well as providing support and encouragement to follow my writing dreams, Susanne suggested I join SCWBI. I nervously ventured along to some Sydney events at Woollahra Library and was welcomed into the most generous and supportive community of children’s authors and illustrators.

I didn’t hesitate when the chance came to sign up for a weekend of writing and learning with this incredible group of people – a WHOLE weekend doing what I love with people who love it too! To get the most out of the experience, I also signed up for a manuscript assessment with Zoe Walton, children’s publisher at Penguin Random House. An industry legend! I was terrified and excited. The idea of developing my writing and getting feedback from one of the best in the business was both exhilarating and daunting. I had no reason to be worried. From the moment I met Zoe, she put me at ease. She had lots of constructive feedback and suggestions on how I could improve my writing, as well as great advice about the marketability of the story. Because the assessment was on the Friday afternoon, I had the whole weekend to put her advice into practice.

At the retreat, I found myself in a writing group with Susanne and the equally amazing Deborah Abela, Caz Goodwin and Julie Thorndyke. To say I felt like an imposter is a major understatement. However, once we started sharing our stories and ideas, I began to realise something incredible. Even though they had already written, and published books and I was a relative novice, we were all on the same journey of putting down our ideas, drafting, re-drafting… re-drafting again, editing, deleting … and learning our craft. The support I received was overwhelming, and I wrote my heart out. One session Zoe joined us, and I was able to share with her the changes I had made.

While the manuscript I’d been working on then didn’t suit her list, Zoe encouraged me to pitch book ideas and manuscripts to her after the retreat. She also offered to mention me to her fellow publisher Holly Toohey, who is responsible for publishing commissioned writing work as the head of brands. Zoe’s support and faith in me cemented my commitment to being a Penguin author one day.

Over the next four years, I kept writing and learning and writing and learning and building my connections in the children’s literature world. I submitted more writing to Zoe (still trying to find that perfect fit), I hosted interviews and chaired literature panels and shifted from attendee to participant at literary festivals. I joined the CBCA NSW Branch Inc Northern Sydney Sub-Branch committee (and I’m now their President), and I also took on the role as Program Manager for the Australian Children’s Laureate Foundation.

Then in February this year, I received an email from Holly Toohey asking if I’d be interested in writing a four book junior fiction series being published in partnership with Football Australia. Zoe had recommended me to Holly, and they felt I’d be a good fit for what they needed. The brief was to write a series about a mixed club football team that was aspirational and appealing to girls and boys. Oh, and I had two weeks to develop all four book outlines. Of course, I said yes.

Now less than six months later, book one is about to launch, we are doing first page edits on book two, Football Fever: The Kick-Off, and I’m busy writing book three.

I can hardly believe it. I’m now a Penguin author. I will forever be grateful to Zoe Walton and the belief she had in me then and continues to have in me, and SCWBI for providing the opportunity that helped my dream come true.

Kris Darell
