Hello to our SCBWI Australia East members! Whether you’re a long-time member or a newcomer you’ll want to get the most out your SCBWI membership.
Because of international privacy laws, ALL members must activate their own membership on the new website AND CHOOSE to follow our region to receive communication from SCBWI Australia East.
You might be a fully paid-up SCBWI member but unless you FOLLOW OUR REGION you won’t appear on our regional membership list.
To activate your membership, log in to SCBWI.org. If you are an exisiting member, SCBWI will have ported your old profile to the new website but you might want to update it. New members can create their own profile.
To receive news from Australia East, go to MEMBER HOME, then MY PROFILE, EDIT MY PROFILE. Under SETTINGS you’ll see ‘MANAGE YOUR SCBWI REGIONS’. Click on the arrow and select Australia East from the drop down menu. This will add you to our regional member list and allow us to send you news. You can choose more than one region to follow but you will appear on their membership list and receive news from them too. Here’s a quick how to video:
SCBWI has changed their membership categories. There are two types: PREVIEW USER (sometimes called Registered User) or STANDARD MEMBERSHIPS (sometimes called Premium Membership). All paying members are Standard/Premium Members and have access to ALL SCBWI benefits. CLICK HERE to see the difference.
A black banner on the MY PROFILE page designates a Standard Membership (sometimes called Premium) and FULL, PAL or ASSOCIATE status.
If you are a fully paid-up Standard/Premium Member, you’ll see a small black banner with your membership status written in white on your ‘MY PROFILE’ page.
If you are a Preview/Registered User or if your membership has recently lapsed you WILL NOT have a black banner. There are some members who did not receive renewal notices and might not be aware that their membership has lapsed.
If you think your membership is not accurate, please contact SCBWI.
Under MY PROFILE you can also see when your membership expires.