SCBWI Success Story - Tamara Moss

Tamara Moss, who has just secured her first publishing contract - a two-book deal with the first novel, a middle-grade fantasy entitled Lintang and the Pirate Queen, due out in July 2017.

Tamara's path to publication has a SCBWI backstory. She writes:
I met Zoe Walton from Penguin Random House Australia during the SCBWI mainland one-on-one critique session last year. She'd enjoyed the sample chapters from my YA manuscript and asked for the full. While she passed on the YA, she asked about the MG I was working on (we'd spoken about it during the critique session). I sent it to her when it was finished, and a few weeks later she called to say she loved it. I would highly recommend these critique sessions. Being so isolated here in WA, it's hard to network and make contacts, and SCBWI Australia West has been an invaluable gateway into the publishing world.

Tamara has secured representation with The Bent Agency(from SCBI WEST)

Congratulations Tamara!!