New PB for Lesley Gibbes

Congratulations to author Lesley Gibbes on the upcoming publication of

Dinosaur Dads to the Rescue

Illustrated by Marjorie Crosby-Fairall

A hardback picture book for ages 0-7 years published by Scholastic.

Pre order here or through your local bookshop.

01 July 2023

Three dino eggs are ready to hatch as their dino dads watch over the batch.
Out of the blue, a volcano rumbles. As the earth shakes, away the eggs tumble!
Off they go! Off they go! Off they go! Run!

Looks like loads of fun!

New book for Marjorie Crosby-Fairall


It’s wonderful to share news of the success stories of our brilliant committee members. This time, it’s a new book for the immensely talented illustrator, Marjorie Crosby-Fairall, who is also the creative genius behind this blog and other platforms we use to share news, information and ideas with you.

Dinosaur Dads

is a fiction picture book illustrated by Marjorie and written by Lesley Gibbes which will be published by Scholastic Australia on 1 August.

The dinosaur kids whinge and grumble until,
an earth-shaking STOMP echoes over the hill.
Get ready, get set, for daddies galore.
Here they come! Here they come!
Here they come! ROAR!

A big shout out for this new book!