Well shiver me timbers I’ve just about run out of crew for you to meet. A wise captain never gives the exact location of her treasure but seeing as you’ve now had a good peak into my treasure chest (read; Roving Reporter team) you might as well get to know a bit more about the mad lass helming the wheel.
In our final instalment of Rovers Revealed, may I introduce you to…me, Dimity Powell.
Dimity Powell aka Chef de Brigade of Rovers
Gold Coast children’s author, Dimity Powell considered herself a ‘bridesmaid author’ for a very long time, always shortlisted rather than spotlighted. That was until people started asking for her word-webs to include in anthologies, junior novels, school magazines, picture books, and even digital apps, one of which was Shortlisted for the WA Premier’s Books Awards 2016. Her picture book, The Fix It Man will reach bookshelves by March 2017. This makes her happier than a bear eating ice cream. She writes exclusively for kids because it’s crazy good fun and because she believes kids and great stories are life-essentials, like ice cream. Her writing ambitions are modest although she’d consider giving up sugar to hear one of her picture books read on Play School. Meanwhile, she enjoys her role as a devotee to children’s literature by giving writing workshops for children and adults and reviewing as many ‘must-share’ titles as she can online.
Unearth more at Dim’s Write Stuff.
Is this your first SCWBI Conference? If not how many have you attended, where?
This will be my second Conference. The first was two years ago in Sydney. This is what happened - SCBWI Sydney 2014 Conference.
What is the most memorable (SCBWI) Conference experience you’ve had to date, or hope to have?
My inaugural conference was memorable to the nth degree. It was a glorious consolidation of knowledge and literary relationships. I found the whole experience enriching and very satisfying, which sounds a bit unspecific but the thing that stuck was the ‘vibe’ I received from being there. Of course, it would be great to have a manuscript requested but that’s just icing on an otherwise already delicious cake.
As a creator in the Kids Literary Industry, what do you want to be best known for?
My propensity for story sharing, both the stories of others and my own. And that whatever I create is done with integrity and heart. To know my words are tucked away on a bookshelf somewhere and loved by someone is the best ending of all.
Name one thing you cannot live without.
At some point in any day, I will need my hairbrush. I really come undone without it. And did I mention my need for ice cream…?
Stick around for more interesting tip bits and updates from our Reporters as we steer our team into Sydney Harbour in September, ever closer to the SCBWI 2016 Conference.
Till then, Rove you Later!