Farewell and Thank You, Charlotte Calder

Charlotte Calder has been our New Books and Awards Coordinator since 2013! She is finally handing it to someone else and we’d like to say a huge thank you for doing it so selflessly all these years. Let’s find out more about Charlotte.

Why are you a children’s writer?


In my pre-kids days a million years ago!!, I worked as an actor, but always knew that eventually I wanted to write - a similar process. Having children of my own was the perfect catalyst. They’ve long since left home, but  hopefully a new(ish) granddaughter and another on the way will hopefully provide future inspiration!

 What does it mean to you?

Like nearly all writers, writing is vital to me, although in recent years my ’dayjob' as a freelance copywriter has tended to keep me from the sort I really want to do! Lately I’ve turned to (shock horror!) writing for adults, in the form of a nearly finished crime novel. Though I really shouldn’t mention it - it may never see the light of day!

Why did you take on the New Book Editor role?

I think in a misguided moment I put my hand up at a meeting!! I’ve loved contributing in a small way to such a wonderful organisation as SCBWi, and being part of such a fab team.

How long have you been doing it?

Since 2013 I’ve just realised, when SCBWI Aust/NZ came into being.

Do you regard it as important?

YES - it’s vital that authors and illustrators get recognition for their amazing creations, especially considering the hard slog, heartache and frustrations involved in bringing them to fruition. Also that other members are inspired to keep on keepin’ on with their own work, and also get a handle on what’s being published. Not to mention feeling part of the wonderfully supportive, creative and inspiringly family that is SCBWI!

What was it like have pre information of the new SCBWI books coming?

Having known the extraordinary thrill of the birth of new books, I always get (‘got’ now, sob!) vicarious pleasure imagining the author’s and/or illustrator’s excitement. And of course satisfaction in knowing that I was helping to get the good news out there. I’ve really enjoyed contributing in this way, but now feel it’s time to give someone else a go. Welcome, thanks and good luck Sue Murray, our new coordinator!   

And finally….

I’m always blown away by the brilliant and selfless work done by our Aust/NZ SCBWI executive team - the wonderful Susanne, Deb, Marjorie, Margaret, plus all the state Regional Advisors etc etc. Despite being extremely talented, busy, successful and creators themselves, they put in a huge amounts of time and effort to keep the organisation humming, especially with the hideous digital challenges of this annus horribilis! We’re all so grateful to them. I adore being part of the inspiring, nurturing, friendly and fun community that is SCBWI!   

