New Books and Award Coordinator - Sue Murray

After being our brilliant new books and award coordinator since 2013, Charlotte Calder is handing over the reigns to SCBWI member, Sue Murray. SCBWI would like to say a huge thanks to Charlotte who tirelessly and faultlessly made sure all our new books and awards were blogged and logged and made a fuss of. A million thank yous for all your hard work and dedication.

For those of you who have never met the wonderful Sue Murray, here she is!

Why are you a children’s writer?

I began my working life many moons ago as a juggling bunyip with a children’s theatre company. Ever since then, I’ve written plays, stories and non fiction for children and young adults. I write plays for young people to perform because I love sharing the collaborative magic of theatre. I also love knowing young people are so open to the wonders of the imagined worlds we writers share with them.

What does it mean you?

It’s who I am at heart. It also brings me great joy. After many years of devoting most of my time to editing, I am relishing the freedom of focusing on my own work again. It also means I belong to one of the most supportive and marvellous groups of creative souls.

Why did you take on the New Book Editor role?

Susanne asked me – and who can say no to her? Seriously, I’ve always admired the spirit and vision of SCBWI and am glad to be able to contribute. It’s so important so ‘show and tell’ with those who will really appreciate how it feels to reach publication day, to spread the word, to welcome a new ‘baby’ into our world, and to shine a light on success stories.

Are you excited to have pre information of the new SCBWI books coming?

It’s always lovely to be one of the first to hear good news, isn’t it? I’m also looking forward to getting a real sense of the trends in children’s publishing.

Any other comments? I look forward to being a more active member, to reconnecting with those I’ve known over the years and to meeting many other members of the SCBWI family.

Sue Murray with motorcycle 2020.jpg

Sue is a playwright, author and educator who explores many ways to share a world of words with young readers, combining her creativity with her commitment to education. After many years on the editorial team of The School Magazine, Sue has returned to freelancing. Her recent projects include writing four picture books in a new series for MultiLit, which are due for publication soon. Sue also project-managed and edited a suite of online learning resources for the NSW Department of Education that mark the 250th anniversary of the day the Gweagal people saw the first European vessel enter Kamay – Botany Bay. Sue presents workshops on writing scripts for students and teachers and she’s working on a memoir inspired by her solo motorbike ride across the Nullarbor.

Thank you so much Sue for agreeing to be our New Books and Awards Coordinator. You will be amazing!
